Creative Vending Near You!
This vector map was done by Jenna from Wonderbox in San Diego with data she and I put together. Ok. I'm IN LOVE with this vector map of creative vending locations in the US! Thank you Jenna for sharing with us and making us look like badass professional vendors. This rocks. I know it's ever expanding- now there is one in Albuquerque now called @thewyrdmachine for all my local friends in Santa Fe, NM. This is also just a map of creative vending people who are in our network. There are plenty of other machines you'll find in the wild if you just look. For example, In Pojoaque , there is a creative vending machine in te Buffalo Thunder Casino that directly supports the Poeh Cultural Center, a center for Tewa Pueblo Culture . Point being: if it looks a little sparse in your area- why not make one- or ask around. There may be a hidden gem just blocks away from your favorite coffee shop! I don't know about you, but I am feeling it. We're s...